
Task named: Purchase of a part of the virtual acoustics system for the activities of the Soundscape Foundation
“Subsidised from the funds of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – a state purpose fund”.
The aim of the task is to create a performance and workshop space, unique to the country, equipped with a surround sound system and a virtual acoustics system. Traditionally, sound is reproduced from two loudspeakers (stereo), which makes it possible to hear sounds spread out into panorama (horizontally). The human ear is able to locate sounds all around our head, so those at the sides, above and in front of and behind our head. The sound system will enable such a distribution of sound in 3D space, and will also allow the free simulation of the movement of sound sources.

Project amount: 362,903.23 PLN
Contribution from the Cultural Promotion Fund: 225,000 PLN


Task operator SOLIDA PAWEŁ PINDUR – co-creator of the facility.
Implementation of the project within the framework of measure: 3.2 Innovation in MŚP of the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020 (European Regional Development Fund).
Project name: Implementation of innovative solutions to launch an innovative service of multidimensional electronic music production in real time.
The aim of the project is to introduce an innovative service to the market on a global scale, multi-dimensional real-time electronic music design, by using an innovative process for its production. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce modern electronic and IT technologies in the Company. Therefore it’s necessary to carry out an investment consisting of the purchase of a set of modern equipment which will create a complete and unique space for the creation of electronic music. The investment will contribute to an increase in the competitive position on the domestic and foreign markets.

Project value: 3,415,000.00 PLN
European Funds contribution: 1 536 750.00 PLN

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