
Igor Warykiewicz

intermedia performance “I can’t talk”

The radio play tells the story of a fictional character: Kuba, a young man addicted to alcohol. The story aims to show what the daily life of an addict can be like, and how difficult the first step of such a person towards improving his condition can be. It is an example based on the experiences of addicts and those on the other side – codependents and DDA. The author’s script was created in cooperation with friends, psychologists, and representatives of the High Castle Club.

The sound for the radio play was created in the Intermedia Studio led by prof. Dariusz Gajewski and adjunct dr Jakub Cikała, in cooperation with voice actors from the Silesian Theater (Pawel Kempa, Dariusz Chojnacki, Anna Kandziora) and from the High Castle Club (Wojciech Adamski), from the technical side in cooperation with representatives of the Soundscape Foundation and technical employee of the Academy of Fine Arts, Jacek Latoń. The visuals for the show were created in the Gravure Printing studio led by prof. dr Marcin Białas and ad. dr Maciej Cholewa, based on scans of physical gravure prints and on completed graphic traces.

Organizators: Soundscape Foundation, Tonarium, AFA in Katowice
Partners: Volvo Euro Kas, Klub Wysoki Zamek

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